Friday, November 18, 2011

Does this make ConRanger1 ashamed due to the mismanagement of the Iraq war?

GAO: Iraq hasn't met 11 of 18 benchmarks

By ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer 2 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Violence in Iraq remains high, fewer Iraqi security forces are capable of acting independently, and the Baghdad legislature has failed to reach major political agreements needed to curb sectarian violence, says a report released Tuesday.|||Paper never refuses ink old bean. :x

I voted only for the following things in my life:

The right for DIVORCE in Holy Catholic Ireland.

The right for ABORTION in Holy Catholic Ireland.

The return of the DEATH PENALTY in Holy Catholic Ireland.

The right to join the EUROPEAN UNION.

I served as an IRISH SOLDIER for over 21 years 174 days including with U.N.I.F.I.L. Lebanon.

And I can say I have never been ashamed for serving, which is not to bad considering I was born and raised in the United Kingdom.

And there are far worse regimes in the world than the United States of America.|||Durggghhh!|||We must re-surge and extend tours to preserve and extend our very limited progress. We need MORE of the same. We should extend tours and reduce/eliminate vacation home time until the job is done. Our President Bush is a GIT R DONE president.|||Who is 'ConRanger1' and if this is a person, why don't you ask him directly?

Regardless, I find it more than a bit humorous that a guy or girl who is incapable of managing even a small town Hardees would feel qualified to criticize the administration and our military of mismanaging an operation as incredibly large and complex as the effort in Iraq.

Still, if you have any good ideas, I suggest you get in touch with someone of consequence in the administration or the military. I'm sure they're looking for your good ideas.|||And your question is relevant HOW?|||Gee I think this is from the report Congress prepared, not the one from the Generals on the ground. So tell me General, when did you get back?

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