Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Have you read the GAO report on government waste and duplication of programs?

You will have to download the full 345 pages. I had to stop reading it because it was absolutely infuriating! The duplicate programs in every department, 56 different programs costing $54 billion dollars per year to teach "financial literacy" to the SAME people???

It's almost unbelievable. Congress is absolutely incompetent!

In a nutshell.......Almost $1 TRILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR in government-wide tax expenditures “are ineffective at achieving their social or economic purposes.”

And they want to raise taxes?

http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-318SP|||Yes, Virginia, there is waste in government. Now, how do we fix it? Voting Democratic in 2008 didn't help. Having the G0P in charge during the Bush years made things worse.

Solution: google the Gang of Six. We need a debt limit deal that directs the Gang of Six to prepare legislation for vote by the end of 2011. And yes, we need to return to the Clinton tax rates, right size government, and THEN adjust tax rates to fund 100% of the agreed on government functions.|||Our system is so messed-up that non-working families are better off financially when Dad doesn't live at home and Momma has babies from several fathers.

“The heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God.” --Todd Akin

And people ask: Why aren't you liberal?|||That does not even count duplication of agencies/services at both the State and Federal Level.

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