Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why are Liberals desperate to bankrupt America with entitlements?

Even the GAO admits that the US is spending more than what it can possibility collect in taxes.

When will Liberals realize that we do not have an endless supply of money?|||Is that like the $1 Trillion "off budget" Bush Medicare D program?

Or, the $1+ Trillion "off budget" Wars in Iraq %26amp; Afghanistan?

Or, just the other $3+ Trillion in new Debt added during the Bush/GOP years that added $5+ trillion to our Debt during the Bush/GOP years?

This gets so confusing to keep up with which side is the worst.|||For all their talk of the "rich" being greedy, at least those with money are spending money they actually have.

The real greed is when you not only spend all of someone else's money, but spend money you don't have and leave it to future generations to suffer the consequences.

This is why Socialism *never* works:

You inevitably spend more than what you can generate in income.

Even European governments are coming to terms with the fact their Socialism is not working.|||Unless you can think of something more effective, there are only 3 possibilities when a society develops a poor, underclass of citizens with little or no mobility:

1. Entitlements

2. An unstable, stratified society with a permanent underclass living in poverty

3. A stable, stratified society with stability maintained by a police state and numerous prisons.|||Entitlement spending is less than 1/3 of the fiscal budget. Roughtly equal to the combined amount of discretionary and interest relief money spent. This doesn't even begin to approach all the off budget spending.

You are born owing tens of thousands of dollars to the government, entitlement spending is only a small part of the problem.

Entitlement spending is just a drop in a very large bucket. The government hemorrhages money for all sorts of stupid crap like having ratheon develop torture rays.

To be honest, I would rather see a family eat than have a prototype of a cybernetic suit our military will never use.|||History shows that Republicans spend way more that Democrats. The only time the GOP worries about spending is when they are not in power. So what are you talking about?|||They're so dense, they MIGHT start to listen once the US dollar's value collapses. But they're pretty good at making up excuses so they may never understand this simple concept. That's what happens when you don't even know basic economics!|||Obviously they aren't trying to bankrupt the country. How about cons? when will they realize we can't afford a global military empire?|||The progressive agenda is to collapse the system and then replace it with a system of their liking, communism.|||No one is arguing that spending should continue at the present rate forever.|||I know, we can cut taxes, that will fix everything, ROFL.|||Get them hooked on entitlement and you have voters for life - they will always vote for the person who promises them more free money - housing - food etc..

look at the mess Greece is in with entitlements.

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